We can do prank in computer ??π I mention in below ,there message box you were before seen in your computer in different think like in some software and default application while opening ,closing . this dialog box are made for comformation or showing some message . AND It can be editable we can make our own message box but how ? lets begain first we create a new text file by by , right click on desktop > new > text document. now you will see like this ⤦ now, see overview how to edit messagebox first you need to type{ x=msgbox("-------", button + icon type ," title ") } in messagebox for Button : 0 = Ok button , 1 = Ok / cancel button , 2 = Abort / retry / ignore button, 3 = Yes / no / cancel button, 4 = Yes /no button, 5 = Retry/ cancel button, Below is meaning of each number : 16 = Critical icon, 32 = Help icon,